HU17 Support 1st Molescroft Cubs As They Focus On Photography

HU17 Support 1st Molescroft Cubs As They Focus On Photography
HU17 Support As They Focus On Photography spent some time with 1st Molescroft Cubs as they resumed their activities for the current term in which they will all be working towards their Photography Badge.

With the help of the ‘Scubs’ – Cubs who are in the process of making the transition to Scouts the cubs were given the opportunity to get some hands on experience with a range of cameras and equipment.

, Pack Leader at 1st Molescroft Cubs explained the benefits that the Scouting movement off young people, he said;

“Cubs and Scouts enables young people to learn new skills, teaches teamwork, self confidence and helps aid in a sense of importance as individuals.”

“Cubs learn an for life, fun with a purpose and key character building directed towards helping boys and girls to become happy, healthy and useful citizens.”

Commenting on the choice of badge Mr. Harvey added;

“I picked the photography badge to help the cubs look at more than what’s directly in front of them, I want them to get outdoors and see the countryside but still have some fun with digital products.”

“Cubs isn’t just about teaching outdoor skills, we try and learn about all aspects of life and try and teach necessary skills to enable the cubs to better themselves and we encourage them to pass that info on and use these skills whenever they can.”

During this term the pack will be presented with a photo album which they will be tasked to fill.

They will also visit Treasure House to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition that is on loan from the Natural History Museum.

Mr. Harvey says that local groups are in need of people to help if they are to continue to run groups in Beverley, he said;

“We are in desperate need of volunteers. Unfortunately Cubs, Scouts and Beavers are in serious threat of closure due to a lack of regular volunteers.”

“Anyone that has some spare time and would like to get involved needs to get in contact.”

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