Navigating Divorce with Special Needs Children

Navigating Divorce with Special Needs Children
July 22, 2024

Divorce is something of a sticky subject, and one which many family units unfortunately find themselves needing to broach. With as many as 80,000 couples divorcing in 2022 alone – and at an historically low rate, at that – divorce is an ever-present reality that touches hundreds of thousands. When it comes to divorce, there is one topic that takes complete precedence over any other: children.


How Seasonal Affective Disorder Influences Relationship Seeking in Cold Seasons

How Seasonal Affective Disorder Influences Relationship Seeking in Cold Seasons
June 28, 2024

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder characterized by recurrent depressive episodes that align with specific seasons, predominantly affecting young adults and women. Symptoms range from mild to moderate and include inattentiveness, hopelessness, depression, social withdrawal, and fatigue. The involvement of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and glutamate is suspected, although the precise pathophysiology remains unclear.


East Riding Joins ‘Check. Think. Report.’ Campaign To Guide Parents During Child Disappearances

East Riding Joins 'Check. Think. Report.’ Campaign To Guide Parents During Child Disappearances
May 27, 2024

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is supporting the ‘Check. Think. Report.’ campaign, which was launched across Europe on International Missing Children’s Day.

The campaign is launching in 16 countries and 14 languages by AMBER Alert Europe, The European Centre for Missing Children. It is aimed at parents and caregivers, provides them with a comprehensive step-by-step guide on what to do and what to expect if their child goes missing.


Classic Mistakes Parents Make While Helping Their Kids Study (And How To Avoid Them!)

Classic Mistakes Parents Make While Helping Their Kids Study (And How To Avoid Them!)
January 14, 2024

Guiding your children through their academic journey involves a delicate balance of support and encouragement. As a parent, your role in helping them study is pivotal, but it’s not without its challenges. In this in-depth exploration, we’ll delve into classic mistakes parents often make when assisting their children with studying and provide expert-backed insights on how to sidestep these pitfalls.


Easter Food And Holiday Activities Grants Are Now Available

Easter Food And Holiday Activities Grants Are Now Available
December 22, 2023

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) grant scheme is now open to support providers to deliver fun activities for children and young people aged 5-16 years who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals in the Easter holidays. 

There’s up to £5,000 available for organisations to provide activities including sport, play, drama, cooking, crafts, dance, music, healthy lifestyles, art or outdoor adventures.


Medication Errors: Causes, Consequences And Prevention

Medication Errors: Causes, Consequences And Prevention
December 21, 2023

Medication errors are unintended failures in the medication process that lead to harmful consequences for the patient. According to a study conducted by researchers from the Universities of York, Manchester and Sheffield, more than 200 million medication errors occur in the NHS per year.

There are many ways in which medication errors can take place, including a patient being given medication of incorrect the strength, dosage, delivery method, rate, duration or timing. Patients can also be given medication that they are allergic to.


Smart Budgeting 101 – Practical Tips for Schools to Save Money

Smart Budgeting 101 - Practical Tips for Schools to Save Money
December 15, 2023

Within the dynamic landscape of education, where the quest for excellence is ever-present, schools often find themselves navigating the delicate balance between providing top-notch education and managing tight budgets.

In this cost-cutting guide, we’ll delve into Smart Budgeting 101, offering practical and effective tips for schools to save money without compromising the quality of education.


The 5 Most Popular Degrees That Could Help You Boost Desirability To Employers

The 5 Most Popular Degrees That Could Help You Boost Desirability To Employers
November 10, 2023

Understanding the job market is crucial in choosing a higher education degree that could elevate your desirability to potential employers. Your degree can often dictate the trajectory of your career, so selecting one that aligns with market demand is vital. This article explores the five most popular degrees that are currently opening doors in various industries.

Whether you’re contemplating your first foray into higher education or considering further study to bolster your career prospects, the information ahead will provide valuable guidance on which degrees are sought after by employers and how they could enhance your professional standing.


The Role of Teacher Feedback in Enhancing Student Learning

The Role of Teacher Feedback in Enhancing Student Learning
March 31, 2023

Enhancing student learning is undeniably one of the most important roles of a teacher. Being in charge of a classroom means finding ways to positively influence a child’s well-being about their education. Feedback has to be constructive, or else there’s little point in giving it. The role and impact of the teacher’s feedback are explored in the post below.


Opening A Nursery In The Beverley Area: 6 Things To Consider

Opening A Nursery In The Beverley Area: 6 Things To Consider
February 4, 2023

A nursery business is a rewarding and profitable venture. It also allows you to provide an essential service to an area.

Opening a nursery in the Beverley area helps you work with the community, but you will need to consider many aspects of the business before you take the plunge. Here are some of the things to consider when opening a nursery in the Beverley area.


Cybersecurity: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

Cybersecurity: What Is It And Why Is It Important?
January 5, 2023

A set of procedures, frameworks, and tools called cybersecurity is used to safeguard computers, software, devices, and data against online threats.

Such assaults are conducted by cybercriminals to extract money from victims or edit, distort, or steal information.


More Support For East Yorkshire Armed Forces And Their Families

More Support For East Yorkshire Armed Forces And Their Families
December 11, 2022

Members of the Armed Forces and their families living in East Yorkshire will be further supported by the new legislation for the Armed Forces Covenant.

In the area of healthcare, education, and housing, the new Armed Forces Covenant Duty, which came into force on 22 November, requires relevant public sector bodies to demonstrate ‘due regard’ for the Armed Forces community and the Covenant principles.