Frank Henry Mason Early Works To Go On Display In Beverley

Frank Henry Mason Early Works To Go On Display In Beverley
Frank Henry Mason Early Works To Go On Display In Beverley

Frank Henry Mason an artist who specialised in works with a nautical theme is to be featured in a new exhibition at Beverley Art Gallery.

Opening on 6 April early work by Frank Henry Mason will be displayed until 8 June. It will feature watercolours of East Coast harbour views.

Curator Helena Cox said;

“We are privileged to be able to show such a full range of Mason’s work, almost exclusively loans from British Private Collections. I am sure that this new exhibition will prove very popular.”

As an artist, Frank Henry Mason developed his love for the sea and all things nautical after living with his grandfather who was a lighthouse keeper.

Growing up he was able to watch some of the greatest Marine artists working in Scarbrough. In 1895 Frank’s work had advanced to the point where he received regular commissions. As a result of this, he decided to become a professional artist.

Frank Henry Mason Contribution To War Effort Was The Dazzle Camouflage

While he is best known for his illustration he was also seconded to the armed services during the Great War. He was tasked to design ‘Dazzle Camouflage’ for the Royal Navy. This form of camouflage proved very successful in allowing the Navy to avoid attack from U-Boat’s.

Over a career spanning three decades, he also charted the ever-changing world of shipping. His illustrations also found their way onto covers of top shipping journals of the day.

Between 1032 and 1936 his work was featured 53 times of the front of the monthly publication Blue Peter.

A keen supporter of the seafaring community he also donated a trawler painting to the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. This painting was used to raise funds published as their Christmas card.

He continued to paint at the Dreadnought Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich right up until his death in 1965. 

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. I loved the exhibition , absolutely wonderful and what a variety of subjects was displayed. I was particularly taken with the portrait of HMS Furious at Sunderland docks . My father Wilfrid Schofield served as a Royal Marine throughout the second world war on this vessel.IT was a complete surprise to see the picture and will remain as a lasting emotive memory for me. Thank you Christine Schofield.

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