Royal Standard Quiz Helps Support Local Rugby Club

Royal Standard Quiz Helps Support Local Rugby Club

The Royal Standard hosted a Quiz night to celebrate gaining Cask Marque accreditation.

Last Thursday the famous local pub, put on a mini real ale festival which is running from the 5th -15th February with 5 guest ales available.

The Quiz which was hosted by Junior Tupai from Beverley Rugby Club, was raising money for the junior section at the rugby club. All proceeds from the quiz and prize draw along with 10p of every pint of real ale sold were all donated to the club.

Licensee Allen Slinger said;

“For the first quiz I’ve put on since taking over, it was a great success.”

“It was great to get Beverley Rugby Club involved and try to raise some money for the juniors while at the same time promoting our Cask Marque award.”

“All the customers seem to have really enjoyed the real ales so far, I would just like to say a big thankyou to Panzzi’s, The Rose and Crown, Rolando’s, Lee Gardens, The Beverley Dresser and Beer in a bottle for their prize donations.”

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