Cllrs Urge Residents To Have Their Say On Fast Food And Industrial Development

Residents Urged To Have Their Say On Fast Food And Industrial Development
Residents Urged To Have Their Say On Fast Food And Industrial Development

Local councillors want residents to have a say on ’s proposed 24-hour fast food and industrial development at roundabout

The Liberal Democrat ward and town councillors in Beverley are inviting their residents to express their views after a Lancashire based developer submitted a planning application.

They want to build two 24 hour drive-through restaurants, a shop, 6 industrial units and 171 car parking spaces on the field adjacent to East Riding community hospital on Swinemoor Lane in Beverley.

This is one of the most significant planning applications in Beverley since the cattle market became a Tesco in 2002.

The developer, EG Group,  who have franchise agreements with Burger King, Starbucks, Greggs and Subway have said that they will only purchase the land if their plans are approved by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council beforehand.

Cllr Linda Johnson said;

“This is a very significant and unwelcome development on the edge of Swinemoor Pasture, a unique, ancient wetland biosphere.”

“A 24 hour operational Starbucks and Burger King, plus a 24-hour petrol station, and 6 industrial units in a residential area will change the character of this part of Beverley beyond recognition. It is completely inappropriate to build the type of development you would usually find on a motorway or major road in a historic town with residential housing and a hospital within a few yards.”

Cllr David Boynton, an NHS key worker based at East Riding Community hospital  said;

“When we are in an obesity crisis, trying to encourage people to cut back on fast food, what sort of message does it send to build a Burger King next to the local NHS hospital? Not to mention the horrendous litter problems that come with these places.” 

“Also building on that land would prevent any future expansion of hospital services if they were needed. We should be looking at possible maternity units and diabetes clinics, not American fast food joints.”

Beverley Town Council’s Peter Astell said;

“Swinemoor Lane is one of the most heavily congested stretches of road in the East Riding. The Council’s Magic Roundabout is a national laughing stock with is complexity, and there are also problems at the roundabout at the Hull Bridge Road End.  Building 6 industrial units there will make this even worse.”

“We should not only consider the traffic nightmare that such a development would create, but also the loss of visual amenity on a key approach to the town.”

Cllr said;

“The main thing for me is that local residents have an opportunity to have their say on this. We have written to the hundreds of houses that are situated closest to the proposed development to ask people to give us their view. We have also set up a petition which people can sign if they oppose the development.”

“This is a very big planning application for Beverley, and it’s the job of local councillors to make sure that people get their voices heard.”

To sign the petition please visit –

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This article has 3 Comments

  1. How is it possible to agree planning at one end of Swinemoor Lane and also at Figham Roundabout for something nearly the same.It should be given short shrift, the area is already over developed.

  2. I live on Swinemoor Lane , it is already heavily congested with through traffic and traffic accessing the industrial estates on the East side, MKM and Aldi. The traffic lights at the Grovehill junction only compound the problem!
    The next proposal will to build a bypass from the Lidl roundabout across Figham pasture to the west end of Tickton Hull Bridge Road to ease traffic on Swinemoor Lane!!

  3. As we know any comments regarding this given to the LD will be ignored.This party has a history of ignoring majority views of the electorate so dont hold your breath when this is discussed.

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