Historic Hull Park £3M Transformation To Start Next Month

Historic Hull Park £3M Transformation To Start Next Month
Historic Park £3M Transformation To Start Next Month

Work to restore the historic archway in Pearson Park is due to commence next month.

The archway is the first part of a £3m restoration project in the park following a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Councillor John Fareham, Chairman of the Pearson Park Trust and Project Steering Group said;

“A lot of hard work has gone into, firstly, obtaining the funding, and now delivering the project that will transform one of Hull’s most historic and beautiful parks to its former glory.

“Pearson Park is Hull’s first People’s Park and this investment will totally revitalise it, restoring many of the key features lost over the years, ensuring that people can enjoy the park, at its full potential, for many years to come.”

The comprehensive restoration of the archway will include the provision of new cast iron gates and screens, reinstallation of restored components and the creation of lost historic features using 3D scanning and modelling techniques.

has been selected as the contractor for the restoration works. Lost Art Ltd has worked on a large number of projects involving the restoration of historic cast iron structures.

Previous projects they have worked on include the Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, which weighed 100 tonnes and was made up of 122 separate cast-iron components.

Damian Liptrot from Lost Art Ltd said: “We are absolutely delighted to have been given the contract. It’s a fabulous project.

“We will do our best to make sure the people of Hull are proud of their heritage and we look forward to meeting them as we carry out the work.”

The refurbishment of the archway is the first of many transformations for the park, which will include –

• Restoration and repairs to the Grade II listed East Lodge, providing new office and meeting space and a community healthy living garden
• Reinstatement of the bridge over the lake
• Reinstatement of the bandstand
• Rebuilding of the Victorian conservatory
• Improvement works to the bowling pavilion
• Improvement works to the ice cream kiosk
• Landscaping improvement works
• Refurbishment of the statues and memorials placed around the park – Queen Victoria and Prince Albert statues and the drinking fountain

Councillor Marjorie Brabazon, chairwoman of Hull Culture and Leisure, said:

“The plans are incredible and when all the work is completed I am sure the park will look magnificent.

“Credit has to be given to the bid team as, without their hours of hard work and commitment, we would not have been able to secure the funding from Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund.”

The restoration of the archway is due to be completed by spring 2019.

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