Thousands Of Pounds In Fines Have Been Handed Out For Littering

Thousands Of Pounds In Fines Have Been Handed Out For Littering
Thousands Of Pounds In Fines Have Been Handed Out For Littering

Hull residents are being urged to dispose of their litter responsibly after 25 people who failed to pay fixed penalties received fines and costs totalling £9,445 in addition to a criminal record.

Residents are reminded to take their litter home or dispose of it responsibly in the council-provided litter bins. 

Littering offences that occurred in Hull in September last year, and which were processed by Hull Magistrates in March, prompted the call. 

Keep Britain Tidy estimates that more than two million pieces of litter are dropped in the UK every day, costing taxpayers more than £1 billion annually in street

To throw down, drop, or otherwise deposit and leave litter is an offence under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Offences can result in a fixed penalty of £100, reduced to £80 if paid within the early payment period, or prosecution and a fine of up to £2,500.

To avoid a fine and criminal record, those issued with a littering fixed penalty notice should pay it. To do so, call LA Support Limited by calling 0800 781 6229 or go to

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