Buzz Comedy Set To Bring Laughter Back To Beverley At New Venue

Buzz Comedy Set To Bring Laughter Back To Beverley At New Venue
Set To Bring Laughter Back To At New Venue

Buzz Comedy will make a welcomed return to Beverley as they bring their popular Comedy nights back to the Market Town.

John Marshall, who has discovered some of the biggest names in the industry will return to Beverley after quitting the town following a move to Hornsea.

Now, he is back in Beverley hosting a monthly comedy club in the theatre at the out of town retail park, Flemingate.

Speaking to John said;

I started the club in Beverley in 2007 after finding a room at the then called Hodgsons Pub. It was not ideal but we made it work by moving the room about and people used to come along.”

“For some time I have been wanting to come back to the town and have managed to agree with the Parkway Cinema to use the Hayward Theatre.”

“In my time I have worked with some of the biggest names in the including Peter Kay.”

“It is great to bring Buzz Comedy back to Beverley. Our format will be slightly different but the venue  means the shows will be very personal.” 

Jamie Sutherland will top the bill while been supported by Tony Cowards, Karen Bayley and Marvyn Dickinson.  John explained  more he said;

“Jamie is one of the top two Northern stand-up comedians, with him the audience should expect hilariously detailed observations plus a few old-style gags.”

Tony  style is a rapid-fire one-liner joke merchant, Karen is cheeky but charming, and packs in big laughs and Marvyn is a lively and inventive raconteur.

Tickets have already been selling well for the events that will take place on  Sunday evenings. John is has agreed short term with the cinema though hopes that if Buzz Comedy proves to be successful it can become a regular part of their calendar.

Buzz Comedy Club is taking place on Sunday 28 January with tickets costing just £10 via the cinema box office on 01482 968090 or online at   

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