Tesco Customers Donate 146 Trays Of Food To Help Feed People In Need

Tesco Customers Donate 146 Trays Of Food To Help Feed People In Need Tesco Customers Donate 146 Trays Of Food To Help Feed People In Need

’s Neighbourhood Food Collection took place in stores across the UK from November 29th to December 1st and proved to be a tremendous success.

Customers at Tesco’s Beverley store on Morton Lane donated an incredible 146 trays worth of food, which Tesco will top up by 30%.

This food will be distributed to local people in need over the next few weeks.

The Beverley collection was supported by and Magic 1161’s Mission Christmas charity.

This is the charity’s annual campaign to ensure that no child in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire is left without a present on Christmas morning.

The Cash for Kids team bag packed on the Saturday, raising a fantastic £378, proceeds are to be split equally between Mission Christmas and Tesco’s food collection.

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Dave Ryley, Tesco Beverley’s Community Champion, said:

“We would like to thank all of our customers who supported our collection.”

“Thanks to your fantastic generosity, we can provide much needed food for hundreds of local people this Christmas”

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