Time To Enrol On Part-Time Courses

East Riding College has now published details of its drop-in enrolment dates for part-time courses starting from September.

The sessions, at the end of August and beginning of September, enable prospective students to talk to tutors and guidance officers, enrol and be interviewed, if necessary, on the day.

Marketing and communications manager Matthew Croshaw said: “Details of our part-time courses are available on our website through our easy-to-use course finder and interactive prospectus.

“You can also find details of fee exemptions which could see many people studying for no cost or at a reduced rate.”

Students are able to enrol on courses throughout the summer. For courses which do not require an interview, it is possible to visit the College without an appointment on any week day and enrol immediately and for Discover adult education courses it is possible to enrol by telephone.

If an interview is required, they can be organised at various times during the summer or without appointment at the enrolment drop-in sessions.

The requirement for an interview is indicated next to course title in the part-time course guide.

The enrolment drop-in sessions will be held as follows:

• Beverley campus: Tuesday, August 28, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
• Bridlington campus: Thursday, August 30, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
• Beverley and Bridlington campuses: Saturday, September 1, 10am to noon
• Bridlington campus: Tuesday, September 4, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
• Beverley campus: Thursday, September 6, 5.30pm to 7.30pm

For more information about part-time courses, how to enrol, fee exemptions and financial support, go to www.eastridingcollege.ac.uk

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