Places are still available for business and community representatives in Driffield and Pocklington to find out more about what they can do to make the most of the 2017 Tour de Yorkshire.
Hosted by Welcome to Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire Council, the free roadshows will be taking placed at Driffield Showground on Wednesday, 15 February, from 10am-12.30pm, and at The KP Club, Kilnwick Percy, York, on Wednesday, 22 February, from3-5pm.
Welcome to Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire Council will host a business and community roadshow at Bridlington Spa on Monday, 30 January and at The KP Club, Kilnwick Percy, York, on Wednesday, 22 February to help Bridlington and Pocklington make the most of the 2017 Tour de Yorkshire.
The free events will take place between 2-4pm in the Harbour Suite, at Bridlington Spa, and 3-5pm at The KP Club, with those attending needing to register online.
With over 20 years experience of putting on parties in the East Riding of Yorkshire Terry Spammer needs little introduction. In less than two weeks time on the 26th August, Déjà Vu will be beholding their Bank Holiday bash at the Asylum, Hull University