The Best Casino Events To Attend In The United Kingdom

The Best Casino Events To Attend In The United Kingdom
The Best Casino Events To Attend In The United Kingdom

The online gaming market is developing at an incredible speed. Every year, many new casinos, games, and upgrades are made to existing types of entertainment.

Providers need to follow trends and understand which direction to take. For this purpose, a variety of casino events are held. In this article, we have gathered for you the best events that will take place in the UK.

Events that are run in the UK

Many providers create products for the online gambling industry. They aim to create slots and other games that users can play for fun casinos. But to understand what games are trending, what users would like and just to find the creators of interesting casino games, they need to communicate informally all the time. One way to do this is a kind of event on casino nights.

These are global venues attended by top casino providers, casino founders, regulators, and everyone involved in the industry, including Gamer-Torrent. They are held in various countries, but many such events take place in the UK. The most recommended ones to attend are:

  • iGaming Club;
  • ICE London;
  • IGB Affiliate London;
  • IGB Affiliate Awards.

The above events are interesting and useful for all members of the gambling industry. They feature not only networking between different companies but also seminars by market leaders. Each of these events has its differences and is held at different times.

iGaming Club

The company had previously held its first such event in the Netherlands. After receiving positive feedback from casino table lovers, providers, and creators of similar sites, it was decided to organize a similar meeting in London. It will be held in De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms in February 2023. Among the participants will be more than 200 representatives of various companies, including leaders of the industry.

A special dinner will be organized for participants. It will stimulate and encourage networking business development. The organizers will also help establish business relationships between the participants. A total of 3 ticket categories are available with different levels of access to the events.

ICE London

The event is designed for participants to attend not for fun casino nights, but to gain some knowledge. During it, workshops will be organized with speakers from leaders in the industry. Among the topics of the presentations are:

  • challenges in online gambling;
  • obstacles that may be faced by slot and casino makers;
  • how to overcome them;
  • the potential of the market and how to capitalize on it.

Some providers may present their new developments during the event for casino makers to appreciate. During such an event, it is possible to meet different representatives of the industry, exchange business cards, and cooperate effectively in the future.

IGB Affiliate London

The program of the event is planned for 3 days (8-11.02.2023). It is organized on a partnership basis in the format of seminars. A useful event for all market participants. Thanks to their seminars one can gain in-depth knowledge of this business area. Here you can not only listen to the lectures but also discuss them with an open microphone.

Among the topics discussed are market strategies, and the latest news in the industry. legislative changes etc. The event has great potential for various companies, including Gamer-Torrent. Providers and online casinos are represented at it by top-level executives. Therefore, it is possible to make useful contacts while attending it. By registering a ticket, you can also get a chance to become a sponsor of the event with more access to the entire program.

IGB Affiliate Awards

Planned for 9.02.2023 in London. Related to the previous event, but with slight differences. It is primarily aimed at encouraging the creation of partnerships between B2B companies. There will also be an awards ceremony for the best companies at the end of the year. There are 21 categories in total. In 20 of them, participants can cast their vote, influencing the awarding of prizes.

Every company, including Gamer-Torrent, can enter the event and put their name in any of the presented categories. Then count on your company being voted for if you fulfill the conditions of that category.

An event like this is something similar to the Oscars but in the field of online gambling. There are not many such meetings yet and therefore they are valuable for companies in the market. 


In this article, we have told you about the most popular online gambling events to visit in the UK. Each of them has its specifics and may be of interest to you. You can make useful contacts at all the events. 

As some of them take place at the same time, you can analyze the programs yourself and see which of the events is preferable for you.

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