Cherry Tree Youth Club Got To London For Kids Count Inspiration Awards

Cherry Tree Youth Club Got To London For Kids Count Inspiration Awards
Cherry Tree Youth Club Got To London For Kids Count Inspiration Awards

Beverley and Holderness MP, Graham Stuart, welcomed the Beverley Cherry Tree Youth Club to the House of Commons to celebrate the Kids Count Inspiration Awards.

The club received a “Highly Commended” award for their contribution to the “Best Contribution by a Community Group” category.

Individuals and organizations who have inspired young people in their communities have been recognized through the annual Kids Count Inspiration Awards.

In this year’s competition, there were record numbers of nominations for individuals and groups who are creating initiatives that make a positive contribution to young people’s lives and provide greater freedom in determining their futures.

Graham Stuart MP nominated Cherry Tree Youth Club for the award, which supports young people in his constituency. Swinemoor Estate in Beverley ranks among the top 15% of estates in the country for multiple deprivations.

The Cherry Tree Youth Club offers a safe place for youth to meet others, receive support, and participate in activities they might not find elsewhere. The Club conducted “garden-gate chats” with young people and their families throughout the pandemic.

Escape rooms have been held indoors, free Halloween costumes have been distributed, and wellbeing bags and food have been distributed. By providing these and numerous other activities, the Club and Centre continue to positively influence the lives of young people and the community.

The Cherry Tree Youth Club’s team and some of their young people were presented with their awards by Graham Stuart MP, in the House of Commons, in the presence of a number of leading politicians, government and shadow ministers, as well as community heroes and other high-achieving young people from across the UK. MP Graham Stuart attended the awards ceremony and offered his own congratulations.

Graham said;

“I was absolutely delighted to welcome a representative from the Chery Tree Youth club and some of their young people to Parliament for the award ceremony.”

“I was very proud to present a certificate to them for being highly commended in these awards for the ‘Best Contribution by a Community Group’ category. I was delighted that their wonderful work has been recognised and they too should be proud of the difference they make in this deprived local community in Beverley.”

Fiona Rainforth, Youth Leader at The Cherry Tree Youth Club, said;

“I would just like to express my thanks as Youth Leader for allowing The Cherry Tree Youth Club to visit The House of Commons; you have no idea how inspiring this visit was for all of us.”

“Many of our young people had never visited London before and their eyes were on stalks, their jaws on the floor and their minds in overdrive as they attempted to absorb the entire event. I’d like to thank Graham, who charmed the young people and inspired them.”

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