Winter Music Festival Stage4beverley Goes On A Summer Outing

Winter Music Festival Stage4beverley Goes On A Summer Outing
Winter Music Festival Stage4beverley Goes On A Summer Outing

The Stage4Beverley Winter music festival is taking a “Summer Outing” this June, in association with Beverley’s Fringe Festival, and looking forward to enjoying a few days of sunny weather between 17th – 20th June instead of its usual frosty February days.

With February being in the middle of Lockdown, it was decided to run a limited number of events in the Summer, to keep the spirit of the festival alive and to bring to the town some of Stage4Beverley’s trademark top-quality music.

One of the festival’s Directors Chris Wade said “ We didn’t want our audience and the people of Beverley have to go for a year without a festival or concerts with national or international artists, so we decided to do a very cut down version of the festival as a reminder, and taster, of what is to come next February when the full festival will return”.

With the East Riding Theatre which normally hosts the festival not being available in June, the organisers are delighted to be able to present its 3 concerts in the centre of Beverley at the popular venue for music, Toll Gavel United Church.

The event will be kept strictly within the Government Guidelines for COVID precautions and the organisers are therefore arranging for a Live Audience of just 50 % of the venue’s capacity being able to attend, socially distanced, as well as the concerts being Live Streamed for those unable to attend in person.

To launch the weekend of music in the town, Stage4Beverley is delighted to be presenting one of the World’s finest Flamenco guitar players, and composers, Juan Martín, from Spain. His exquisite style is enhanced through minimal amplification to capture his very pure sound. Juan transports his audience on a musical journey through classic Spain with melodic beauty and rhythmic passion.

He has toured the world playing concerts from Shanghai to New York and critics have compared his compositional talent to that of Albéniz, Turina and Tarrega. He even played for Picasso’s 90th birthday celebrations! He will offer a rare treat for the Beverley audience.

Whilst the Saturday night concert is still to be announced, closing the weekend in his unique style will be Steve Knightley. Steve is not only well known as part of the group Show of Hands but he is also a highly regarded solo performer. Following the success of his intimate one-man show in 2019, Steve’s latest project is intended for anyone fascinated by the art and craft of songwriting.

Exploring his extensive back catalogue and introducing unheard, new material he explores the themes and stories that inspire him and shows how music and words can become lyrics and chords and notes can meld to create songs that acquire a life of their own!

A perfect ending to a weekend of music and song from near and far.

The festival will revert back to its normal period in 2022 for its main event from 16 – 20th February at the East Riding Theatre, when it is hoped that COVID will be a distant memory.

Further details and tickets can be found on the Stage4Beverley website ( or by calling 07801 124264. Tickets for the Seated Audience & Live Streamed events will be on sale from Tuesday 27 April.

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