Beverley Film Society Set To Welcome Members Back

Beverley Film Society Set To Welcome Members Back
Beverley Film Society Set To Welcome Members Back

Members of Beverley Film Society are getting ready to return to Parkway Cinema on 8 October following the abrupt pause to its last season due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

The next film to be shown is the documentary about Ruth Bader Ginsberg, RBG, making this a poignant reunion in light of her recent passing.

Beverley Film Society is aiming to show the remaining films from the last season’s programme, one every two months, starting with RGB in October.

This will give existing members the chance to see the films they paid for but missed, with the interim season finishing in April. The Society hopes to then have a summer break and start afresh with a brand new season of films in September 2021.

This means that the current membership (those who signed up for the 2019/20 season) will continue until April but new memberships cannot be processed until the new season later in 2021.

The process will be reviewed after each film, based on attendance and feedback. Members are being asked to keep an eye on their inboxes for future newsletters, which will let them know if any further changes are needed.

Parkway Cinema has strict safety guidelines in place to ensure audience members can enjoy, as near as possible, the full cinema experience, albeit with reduced capacity to enable social distancing. The Film Society will also be running a streamlined welcome desk, with simplified attendance checking.

8 October 2020
RBG (2018)
USA | Documentary | 98 mins | PG

Ruth Bader Ginsburg developed a breathtaking legal legacy whilst becoming an unexpected pop culture icon. RBG is a revelatory documentary exploring Ginsburg’s exceptional life and career.
Dir: Julie Cohen, Betsy West.

Details about the Society are available online at and tickets can be booked via the Parkway Cinema website or bought on the Society’s film nights.

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