A new campaign has been launched by East Riding of Yorkshire Council to increase the number of staff in the adult social care sector.
Choose Care has been set up by the council and has become especially important with the COVID-19 outbreak to help the people who most need our support right now.
We now need to urgently recruit people into the sector – into both private and council-run adult social care organisations.
To complement the normal recruitment channels for permanent posts, this campaign is promoting fixed-term and casual opportunities and is particularly targeting those who may not have previously considered care as a career, those wanting to help their communities in these difficult times and those who have found themselves with time on their hands due to these extraordinary circumstances.
The council is asking anybody who is interested in helping to visit www.choosecareeastriding.co.uk to sign up today.
Throughout this campaign, the East Riding Adult Social Care sector is looking for kind, caring and considerate individuals to start paid employment with immediate effect either on a fixed-term or casual basis.
Experience and skills are not required for all roles, which range from caring for people in the community, working as a Lifeline responder and working in a residential care home setting, to name a few.
Anybody could need care and support, whether it be the individual themselves or their family members or friends and it could be needed at any stage of life while living at home and in the community.
Support could be for people with learning disabilities, mental health conditions, sensory impairment, physical disabilities and support for older people.
If the current pandemic has created a pause in employment or an earlier than planned return from university, there are roles waiting for people who truly care about others.
Whether there is a hope to start a career in adult social care or help out and make a difference in the current climate, the council is looking for someone with the right values, rather than lots of qualifications.
Skills can be developed with on-the-job training or formal education, and, for those who want to progress to new roles in the future, there are always opportunities to take on more responsibilities.
The online application form is simple to complete. Once the form has been submitted the Choose Care team will call to check out the applicant’s application (where needed) and to conduct a short interview over the phone where the council can find out more about the interviewee. Suitable applicants will then be matched with vacancies. Once matched, the employing organisation will contact the successful applicant directly.
John Skidmore, director of adults, health and customer services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “If you’ve ever wanted to make a difference, help people or do something extremely worthwhile, you’re the kind of person we want.
“We are in unprecedented times and it’s important to ensure that our vulnerable residents are cared for at this time.
“Choose Care was created by the council to help increase the number of people applying for jobs in the adult social care sector.
“This is not just for council social care jobs, but to help all of the adult care sector in the East Riding.
“The COVID-19 outbreak has led to an urgent need to recruit into both private and council-run adult social care organisations and we need additional people to start straight away.”
If you want to help and be part of a team that makes a difference, visit www.choosecareeastriding.co.uk