Emma Hardy Calls In The Butterflies To Combat Climate Emergency

Emma Hardy Calls In The Butterflies To Combat Climate Emergency
Emma Hardy Calls In The Butterflies To Combat Climate Emergency

A dramatic decline in insects in Europe has been recorded over the last few decades. Every study has shown falls in numbers, for example, recent research in more than 60 protected areas in Germany, showed flying insects have declined by more than 75% over almost 30 years. The same pattern can be found across the globe virtually wherever studies are undertaken.

Limiting global warming to 1.5-2C is a tall order which is likely to require the use of “negative emissions technologies” – methods that aim to reduce the impacts of climate change by removing CO2 from the air. At present, forests store as much as 45% of all land carbon.

To help combat these issues Emma Hardy MP, for Hull West & Hessle is launching the Butterfly City campaign, which will oversee the planting of over 3000 Alder Buckthorns trees in its first year. This is an attempt not only to help store CO2 in the city, attract butterflies and raise awareness of CO2 issues but also to wider engage local communities in helping tackle the rising problem of air quality and climate change in Hull

Emma Hardy MP says:

“In order for us to combat climate change I want to make Hull the UK’s, and as far as I know the world’s first Butterfly City, this project will see a city-wide mass tree planting on Friday, November 22nd. Over 3,000 Alder Buckthorns will be planted in this first year of what we aim to be an on-going project, beginning with the adoption of the beautiful, sulphur-yellow Brimstone butterfly.

A healthy Buckthorn tree is all the Brimstone’s caterpillar needs to grow happily. The decline in insects is dramatic and already impacting on pollination. Bees love the tiny Buckthorn flowers as well so it’s two for one.

The Labour Party have declared a Climate Emergency and increasing the number of trees helps to absorb carbon dioxide and improve air quality is paramount to helping our great city become truly sustainable for future generations. The Butterfly City project is a great way to help our fight to make Hull carbon neutral and I am happy to be launching this project with many great partners.

The more trees, the more bees and butterflies, the more beautiful our city and a better quality of living for everyone.

Not only will this project help our city but also by people getting involved in gardening and being outdoors it is also a really good way to help people struggling with loneliness and mental health problems. It’s perfect for schools as a way of introducing children to life cycles and the joy of watching living creatures thrive.”

I am really proud and excited to be launching this project and making Hull the UK’s first Butterfly City.”

The plan, to plant thousands of Alder Buckthorn trees across the city and in neighbouring areas, is bringing together individuals, community groups, schools and businesses. It launches on Saturday, October 26th at Trinity Square which leads to the official planting at Wheeler St Primary School on Friday 22nd November by local children, the school’s gardening club and Youth in Nature.

Recent research has shown that a mixture of tree species can store up to twice as much carbon as single-species plantings, so by adding Buckthorn to the mix of trees in Hull and the surrounding area, will help to increase the amount of carbon sequestered.

Emma added;

“These plantings still leave us a long way short of achieving the target of a carbon-neutral way of life – or indeed reversing the dramatic decline in insect numbers across Europe. However, the Butterfly City is, through its focus on community involvement and education, also aiming to empower people and give them an opportunity to take perhaps their first step in making a positive difference in the face of what can seem an overwhelming set of problems.”

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