Molescroft Parish Councillor David Boynton is backing a local schools bid to collect old batteries.
Cllr Boynton says he wants to try and help St Mary’s Primary School climb the leader board and earn some prizes for the school.
St Mary’s are currently taking part in a national incentive run by Duracell, The Big Battery Hunt. They need to collect up as many old batteries as possible.
Speaking about their efforts Cllr Boynton said;
“I want to see what we can do as a parish council to help spread the word about what the school are trying to do.”
“This is certainly an excellent incentive. Not only is good for the planet and the environment but also the school have a chance to win something.”
“Hopefully I will be able to help the school promote this and shall be asking my fellow councillors to also back it.”
“I want to see if we can promote this incentive within the local parish information boards.”
“We all have old batteries kicking about in drawers or in our cupboards. This is a good way to dispose of them while helping a local school.”
St Mary’s School also says they have already had a good response from the community. Each of the pupils at the school has been given a box to collect old batteries.
The Big Battery Hunt Results In Millions Of Batteries Being Recycled
Cllr Boynton added;
“I would like to urge everyone to get behind this and do what they can to help the school climb the leaderboard.”
“Since getting my box I have already gathered up a few batteries that have been laying about around my house.”
“My understanding is that each year millions of batteries are recycled as a result of this incentive. That can only be good for the planet.”
Members of the public can also donate their old batteries by leaving them at Beverley Car & Cycles on Norwood.