How Beverley Minster is Using Twitter To Lift The Lid On Its Up Keep

How Beverley Minster is Using Twitter To Lift The Lid On Its Up Keep
How Minster is Using Twitter To Lift The Lid On Its Up Keep

It is without question Beverley’s most famous landmark and the people who are responsible for maintain say Twitter has become a valuable tool.

Steve Rail and Paul Hawkins spend their time taking care of Beverley Minster and have for the past 12 months generated content showing the daily work they undertake which is shared on social media.

Steve says that since they started they are attracting followers from all over the world which is not only good for Beverley Minster but also for the Town.

Their use of Twitter came about after took over as surveyor at Beverley Minster. An iPad was introduced to make communicating and sharing documents simply.

It was then suggested they document and share their daily exploits, be it fixing a window or cleaning out the Minster’s guttering.

Steve said;

“Twitter has proved to be really successful for us. Paul & I put updates showing what each of us are doing. Videos are the most popular, people like to see the trades used to maintain this magnificent building.”

“We have built up followers from Beverley and all over the world. We have one guy in America who follows us. They have nothing like the Minster over there.”

While Steve gives his talks, his colleague Paul is proving to be a dab hand with the iPad and packaging content so people ‘stay interested’, he said;

“We keep our videos to around 30 seconds, anything longer than that people lose interest and the message is lost.”

“Throughout the week we share pictures and video but the videos we publish are the most popular with the followers we have.”

Simon Delaney from Delaney Marling Partnership says:

“I have been the surveyor of The Minster for just over 18 months, it’s such an amazing building to be working on and we have a fantastic maintenance team who can turn their hand to anything from: replacing lead windows, maintaining the roof, supporting film crews and also being social media stars.”

“This has become very important to the Minster as we need to do as much as possible to raise the profile and awareness of Beverley Minster and the works that need doing. The roof desperately needs replacing in the next few years at a cost of approximately £5m.”

To keep up to date with ongoing work at Beverley Minster you can follow them on twitter @BevMinster2

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