Eighth Successive Win Sees Blue & Golds Move Four Points Clear

Eighth Successive Win Sees Blue & Golds Move Four Points Clear
Eighth Successive Win Sees Blue & Golds Move Four Points Clear

have extended their lead at the top of the National Conference League to fours after they over came a testing encounter with Millom.

Ahead of this game Beverley had feared it would prove a difficult game however they never materialised as the Blue & Golds eased to 28-20 win.

Beverley’s coach, Scott Taylor said;  “We did it tough this afternoon and there are quite a few knocks and injuries but these are the wins that decide titles and promotions.”

On a pristine playing surface both sides played their part in a quality NCL encounter. The opening 10 minutes saw both defences largely on top and  both sides completing their sets well.

On 15 minutes a penalty gave Beverley good field position and danced and stepped his way to a try. converted. Now growing in confidence, the visitors continued to press.

A penalty for a high shot on Lewis Poskitt again gave Beverley a dangerous attacking set. This ended with Alex Calvert spinning in the tackle to crash over for a try. Straw again converted.

Millon side re-gained possession from the re-start kick and applied some pressure on the Breverley line.

However, a long pass that could well have created a try at the other end went into the grateful hands of Lewis Poskitt.  Poskitt raced 80 meters to score. Straw converted to give Beverley an 18-0 on 22 minutes.

 Millon managed pull back a try on 32 minutes when there half back John Hodgson went in under the posts following some sustained pressure.Lee Postlethwaite added the extras and also a penalty just before the break to peg back the score to 18-8.

Early in the second half, Beverley looked to extend their lead as Poskitt broke free down the right flank but the home side scrambled well in defence and he lost out to weight of numbers.

Moments later the committee’s player of the match Billy Riby crossed after slick handling and Straw converted. After 62 minutes the points were realistically sealed when a chip ahead and regather by Poskitt saw him do well to slip a pass to Lewis Straw in heavy traffic. Straw crossed for the try and converted.

Beverley had to repel a late fightback. Ethan Kelly and Noah Robinson  added tries both converted by Postlethwaite as the Millon refused to lie down.

The closing 15 minutes was largely about game management. Some relieving runs clearing his lines from Riby and some hard yardage from Alex Calvert, Lee Stevens and Jack Howdle helped to steady the ship.

Final Score : Millom 20 Beverley 28

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