Speak to us will be the call from the Leader of the Yorkshire Party at its Annual Conference in York on Saturday 7 October 2017.
The Yorkshire Party, who want to see the region have more of say in its own future and ultimately say leaders in the county have disappeared out of sight.
Leader of the Party, Stewart Arnold, said in advance of the conference:
“Over the summer the majority of local council leaders in our region proposed a One Yorkshire devolution settlement.”
“This is something we support as a way forward for our county. However, since then the council leaders have gone all Greta Garbo on us and have collectively retired out of public sight.”
“The Yorkshire people have the right to be involved in this process. There are questions to be answered.”
“ What will devolution look like? What powers and responsibilities do they expect us to take on here? What about budgets and costs?”
“There are so many unanswered questions to which they seem unwilling to give answers.”
“The council leaders shouldn’t be afraid of the public. Far from it. They have an opportunity to build a groundswell of support for real, meaningful and democratic devolution which could strengthen their hands when it comes to negotiating with the Government.”
“In short, I would implore them to speak to us!”
The Chair of the Yorkshire Party, Lucy Brown, added:
“As well as the key debate on what we want for Yorkshire devolution we are also discussing the region’s transport needs, especially in light of the very disappointing announcements by the Government over rail electrification.”
“We are also pleased to have Nasser Malik from the Yorkshire Enterprise Network as our guest speaker. We want to hear what businesses in the region have to say about what they want from devolution.”
“Nasser heads up one of the largest business networks in Yorkshire so is well placed to give us some key pointers as we develop an economic strategy for Yorkshire.”
Mr Malik said:
“I am delighted to be taking part in the Yorkshire Party conference and discuss a subject very close to my heart, and of significant importance to the long term economic well-being of the region.”
The day-long conference will include speeches, policy debates, training and interactive workshop sessions, to find out more please visit www.yorkshireparty.org.uk