Goodness Gracious Me – It’s A Phal From Grace For Beverley’s Curry Lovers

Goodness Gracious Me - It's A Phal From Grace For Beverley's Curry Lovers
Goodness Gracious Me – It’s A Phal From Grace For ’s Curry Lovers

A popular restaurant in Beverley has closed its doors blaming ‘the staff crisis’ in the industry as the reason they have had to shut up shop.

, on joins a string of curry houses throughout the UK that have found operating in the UK more difficult as they face increased challenges in recruiting people. has learned that a string of unfortunate events left Dine Bangla without key members of staff which they were unable to replace due to the skills shortage in the UK caused by changes to immigration from the Common Wealth to the UK.

As the government looks to tighten the borders, the British Curry Industry, which is worth £5bn to the UK economy cannot find the skilled staff to cook and serve the nations favourite dish, leaving many businesses without the skills they need to operate.

Experts from within the Curry Industry in the UK are predicting that changes to visa’s and immigration mean in the coming months the UK could see an estimated 4,000 close their doors.

Shadow Minister Dr Rupa Huq was so concerned with the plight of the UK curry industry that she raised it with the Immigration Minister. She asked if she could expect the red carpet to be rolled out for curry cooks from the Indian Subcontinent.

The response was there were no plans to deviate from the long-stated strategy to have our own home-grown curry chefs rather than to import them. A model that is evidently not working.

Going out or having a curry delivered is ingrained in British culture, yet our desire as a nation to tighten our borders, stop immigration and leave the EU could lead to other Asian foods, we take for granted disappearing as chefs become more difficult to recruit. understands on good authority that this is the situation that Dine Bangla find themselves in. Our sources tell us that the owners are working hard to find fully trained skilled staff with plans to open in Beverley in not too distant future.

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