Westwood Troll Appears At Beverley Literature Festival

The Westwood Troll : New Children’s Book To Be Released

Have you ever wondered where the Troll lives and what he likes to eat for his dinner?

A fun and interactive storytelling workshop, held as part of the Beverley Literature Festival and Bridlington Poetry Festival, was able to answer questions like this for an enthralled young audience.

Thanks to the creative expertise of Carol Burton, of ‘Puppets, Plays and Story Days’ the young audience, aged three years and over, were taken on an interactive journey across Beverley’s Westwood in search of the Troll.

The story of the Westwood Troll, by author Marion Gamble who also attended the session, was brought to life in the Children’s Library at the , Beverley where the youngsters acted out their hunt for the creature through the use of songs, actions and storytelling.

The Westwood Troll eventually made an appearance, in the form of a puppet called ‘Keith’, much to the delight of the audience.

Finlay Morton, aged 3, who attended the storytelling session with his mum, said afterwards that the best bit was: “Meeting the troll and singing the song for him.”

The session was just one of several aimed at younger children as part of a packed children’s programme for this year’s festival, known as ‘Lit Up 2016’, which is a celebration of all things literary in the East Riding.

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This year’s festival has been supported by and Arts Council England. The children’s programme is supported by the Beverley Building Society.

For full details of the programme and how to book visit the website www.litup.org.uk or call the box office on (01482) 392699.

Tickets for events can be bought online, over the phone or in person at .

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