Students across the East Riding are celebrating exam success, as many schools have improved their A-level results, with increases in both average points score per candidate and average points score per entry up on the previous year.
As a result, many of the 1,244 young people in Y13 in East Riding school sixth forms will be moving on in September to the education or employment of their choice.
The 2015 A-level and Level 3 qualification (A-level equivalent) results build on the success of continual improvements over the last seven years.
Last year saw improved progress measures in East Riding school and academy sixth forms and it is hoped for further improvements when progress measures are published in the autumn this year. All East Riding schools and academies are committed to achieving national top 20 per cent progress in their sixth forms by 2016.
Early indications show that East Riding sixth forms have maintained their successful trend for the fourth year in a row against the background of a national fall in the proportion of A-levels awarded top grades in recent years.
The average point score per candidate has risen steadily in East Riding school sixth forms, exceeding the national average from 2009 onwards.
The national data showing the destinations of pupils from sixth forms, published for 2013, show that 74 per cent of East Riding sixth form students with A-levels were in further or higher education, four per cent more than the national figure.
There were also a high proportion of East Riding A-level students going onto higher education in the latest figures to be published: 58 per cent in 2013, higher than the national average for state-funded schools. The proportion of young people with A-levels going into apprenticeships is also above the national average.
Councillor Julie Abraham, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s portfolio holder for children, young people and education, said:
“It is encouraging to see that students in the East Riding appear to have done very well this year.
“With results like this they will be well prepared for whichever path they want to go down in their future careers.”