How Can Hybrid Workplaces Support Their Employee’s Development? A Helpful Guide

How Can Hybrid Workplaces Support Their Employee's Development? A Helpful Guide
How Can Hybrid Workplaces Support Their Employee’s Development? A Helpful Guide

Over the years, many workplaces have chosen to shift to a hybrid working environment. Now, some employees can choose to work in a remote location like their home in exchange for the office.

However, hybrid working has brought along some issues, such as career development. Many business leaders wonder, how do we support our employee’s development when they are not in the office?

This guide will show you how – to cover topics like online training courses and 1:1 meetings.

Outline Skillsets

If a remote employee wishes to progress in their job role, they need to understand what skills they need to work on. Therefore, business leaders must outline this to their team. For example, if a marketing assistant wants to progress to a marketing manager, they need to understand what skills need to be developed for them to get there.

An employee skills matrix is the best way to achieve this. You can find templates for these online. This framework places an employee’s skills and their levels into a grid format to identify which areas of their skillset need improvement.

Set Expectations In Place

To help hybrid employees develop, business leaders must set clear expectations in place. For example, are your team required to work in the office at least two times a week? Putting a rule like this in place – aids your employee’s development as they will be able to get more hands-on support when they are in the office.

If there is anything they have been struggling with while working remotely, it allows them to address these issues. It is also a good time for line managers to liaise with their employees personally to discuss matters such as skillsets. If employees know what is expected of them, they will be able to carry out their duties accordingly and increase productivity in their role.

Enroll In Online Training Courses

When your staff transition to a hybrid working environment, e-learning becomes more vital than ever. Online training courses will provide your staff with the training they need to develop in their roles, which addresses the lack of physical lessons. Your employee’s development does not have to be hindered if you enlist the help of an online training course provider like Study Academy.

Their online training courses cover a wide range of topics such as finance, personal development, health and safety, and much more to teach your employees valuable information that they can use in their careers moving forward.

Hold Virtual 1:1 Meetings

Just because some of your employees now work most of the time remotely, this does not mean that business leaders should push 1:1 support to the side. You can still hold 1:1 meetings virtually using video conferencing sites like Zoom. A 1:1 meeting is an opportunity for business leaders to help their employees progress in their roles.

You can work together to outline their career path and what direction they are heading. You can discuss what skills need to be developed to help them get there. If you have never held a 1:1 meeting with an employee before, take a look at some 1:1 meeting tips online to get you started.

Acknowledge Remote Employees Contribution

One of the downsides of remote working is that some employees struggle with visibility. They feel like their contribution to the company is no longer acknowledged because they are not in the office. This can lead to employees feeling unmotivated in their job roles and it can lead to less job satisfaction. To avoid this, and to help your employees feel valued, business leaders must make a conscious effort to acknowledge the hard work of their remote employees.

This can be achieved by praising their work in a company meeting or sending out an email to thank individuals for their hard work on a recent project. It can give them the motivation they need to further develop in their career and contribute to the overall success of the company they work for.

Give Employees The Tools They Need To Do Their Jobs

If a workplace chooses to implement hybrid working, it must supply employees with the tools they need to do their job away from the office. Without the right technology and software, your team will struggle to develop in their careers, making their daily tasks more challenging to complete. This can be off-putting for some employees, and they may choose to look for a job elsewhere.

Communication tools are a vital resource as your team needs to be able to communicate with one another, no matter where they are in the world. Take a look at some of the tools you need to facilitate hybrid working online. The more support you can supply to your remote workers, the better. They need your help to progress, but they also need it to make your hybrid working model a success.

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