Awesome Police Equipment You Didn’t Know About

Awesome Police Equipment You Didn't Know About
Awesome Police Equipment You Didn’t Know About

Have you ever seen a cop on TV or in the movies? They always seem to have this awesome arsenal of tools that can solve any problem. But what about when they’re not on TV?

Do cops really have all those things at their disposal? The answer is yes! Cops are pretty much the best-equipped people out there because they have stun guns, pepper spray, batons, and tasers.

That’s certainly not all –  police can also use police dogs, nightsticks, and handcuffs to get the job done! Let’s see what are some of the awesome pieces of equipment.

Dispatch Software

One of the most important tools for cops is something that people don’t usually think about when they are thinking about police equipment. The dispatch systems allow the police to communicate with each other in real-time, no matter where they are. This also makes it possible for officers to coordinate what to do in emergencies and everyday interactions with civilians. For example, if police are looking for a suspect in an area, this software lets them call up all of the information they have on hand about that person to see if there are any leads.

This is very useful because it can get sensitive personal information out quickly without having to wait for that info to get typed into the computer. It also makes sure that information stays current. If the cops working with that person need to know something, they can just ask dispatch. The software updates on the fly so that officers always know the most recent information.


Burner phones are used by criminals because they don’t want their real number to get out there. Sometimes, these numbers even show up when police look through them for possible leads since criminals like to use them even when they aren’t committing crimes.

Police can track these numbers with something called Stingray or DRT, which is basically a mobile cell tower. It can pinpoint someone’s location and they don’t even need the consent of the phone company to do it either. This technology is becoming more prevalent in police departments around the country and is great for public safety.

Pepper Spray

Cops also have pepper spray, which is a chemical spray made from oleoresin capsicum (OC) extract from cayenne peppers. Pepper spray comes in a variety of forms, including spray cans and grenades made of aerosol or foam. It’s a great nonlethal weapon because it temporarily blinds the person who is sprayed in the face and makes it hard for them to breathe. The effects wear off, but they can last anywhere from 20-30 minutes.

Pepper spray is more effective than guns when dealing with unarmed people due to its psychological aspects. If someone thinks that they’re going to be exposed to pepper spray, then they are less likely to attack at all! This is great news for police officers who don’t want to use lethal force when they don’t need to.

It is also worth noting that officers are trained to hit people in places where they can still breathe even after they have been sprayed. This makes the spray a great choice for police who don’t want to hurt anyone!

Police Dogs 

Many people probably don’t think about dogs when they hear “police.” And, believe it or not,  police can use all kinds of dog breeds, even ones that aren’t suited for catching criminals by chasing them down. For example, schnauzers are very good at protecting their owners because they’re small and agile, so they can keep up with cops on foot or get into tight spaces where someone might be hiding.

German and Belgian shepherds are, of course, also part of this group because they have a lot of energy and are incredibly strong for their size.


This might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about police equipment. However, it’s important for officers’ protection because there are times when they are accused of acting against people unlawfully. If they have cameras on them or nearby, they can take footage of what actually happened so everyone can see who was at fault in a situation. It also protects the civilians involved by making sure that law enforcement doesn’t take advantage of them or use excessive force if it isn’t necessary.

Police have a lot of different tools to help them do their job. There are things like stun guns, pepper spray, batons, and even tasers that they can use when enforcing the law. However, there’s also technology such as Stingray or DRT which is basically a mobile cell tower that police officers can use to pinpoint someone’s location. All of this technology and tools help public safety by making sure criminals don’t get away with anything!

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