CCG To Hold Its First-Ever Virtual Annual General Meeting

CCG To Hold Its First-Ever Virtual Annual General Meeting
CCG To Hold Its First-Ever Virtual Annual General Meeting

NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will be holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) next month, and they are extending an invitation to patients and the public to join them online as the meeting takes place virtually for the first time.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CCG will not be holding the meeting in a public venue this year as they normally would but instead will live stream the event through their Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Anne Jeffreys, Clinical Chairperson said;

“With many public events being cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are delighted that we are able to invite colleagues and members of the public to join us for our AGM, albeit virtually.

“Whilst we would love to be able to welcome local residents in person, we feel that holding the meeting virtually is the best option for this year. Not only will this help to keep people safe, but it will also allow a larger audience to attend and remove the need for travel across our large geography.”

Paula South, Interim Chief Operating Officer said;

“Although we are holding our AGM in a different way this year, we will still be following a familiar agenda. We will be looking back at some of our key highlights and achievements from the previous year, as well as focussing on the future, including the response and recovery to Covid-19. We will also discuss our financial performance from 2019/20, looking at how and where our budget has been spent.

“Just like previous years, we are offering the opportunity for members of the public to ask us questions which we will answer at our AGM. However, because of the way we are holding the event this year we are asking for all questions to be submitted beforehand by emailing All of the questions and answers will be published on our website following the AGM, including any further questions we receive based on the content of the event.”

NHS East Riding of Yorkshire’s AGM is set to be streamed via their Facebook page ( and YouTube channel ( on Tuesday 15 September 2020 from 5pm.

For more information visit You can view the CCG’s 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts online by visiting

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