Recovery Network Supports Drug And Alcohol Users During Lockdown

Recovery Network Supports Drug And Alcohol Users During Lockdown
Recovery Network Supports Drug And Alcohol Users During Lockdown

A charity supporting individuals in recovery from alcohol and drugs has set up a Facebook Group to provide much-needed support, during the government enforced lockdown to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

The Recovery Network can be found on The Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS) Facebook page. It’s for anyone whether they are using the service or not, to join the conversation, whilst staying safe at home.

As a charity, ADS want the perception of recovery to be positive and tackles the stigma and barriers to recovery at every opportunity. The role of positive connections with others is critical in helping people get their lives back on track.

Tim Young is the Chief Executive of ADS. He says:

“This an anxious time for all of us, unprecedented in the experience of most. We are all being asked to keep a physical distance between each other, the streets and shops are empty or closed and many people rarely leave their home.”

“Paradoxically, this adherence to the physical separation guidance may be the single biggest expression of communities caring for each other ever seen. That said, we need to understand this does not mean severing connections with each other and that the connection with others is maintained across communities.”

“The recovery community is no exception. Maintaining this connection is crucial for the wellbeing of everyone, not just people with substance use problems and social media is a fantastic enabler. Whether it be one-to-one or groups, we are working to provide the opportunity for people to connect and support each other.”

“The Recovery Network is open to all and can be easily found on our Facebook page.  It provides a space for people to connect, share their thoughts and feelings, their highs and lows. Importantly, it reminds people that they are not alone, that we are all in this together and that people care. In time, things will get better and restrictions will be eased but in the meantime we need to look after ourselves and others, to reach out and connect.”

“Each of our services, the East Riding Partnership, Hull Primary Care Service and Aspire in Doncaster, our amazing staff are really stepping up to the plate ensuring plans to support service users are in place and working.”

“The Recovery Network provides a space for anyone who needs it, you do not need to be in our services and you do not need to be abstinent, it is for everyone to support one another during the lockdown.”

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