The Liberal Democrats have been named as the Official Opposition to the Ruling Conservative Group.
The move reflected the fact that the 8-strong Liberal Democrat Group were the second largest political grouping on the Council, following gains at May 2nd Local Elections.
In those Elections, the Labour Group were wiped out, losing all their seats on the Council. For the first time since the Council was formed in 1996, there is now no Labour representation on the Council.
Lib Dem Group Leader Councillor David Nolan said;
“We are delighted and honoured that voters locally chose the Liberal Democrats. As well as continuing to work for our residents, we are committed to holding the Conservatives to account, in particular over how they manage the Council’s finances.”
Lib Dem Deputy Leader Denis Healy added;
“We were elected on a mandate of change. Residents want to see far more transparency in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, and as the official opposition, we have a duty to provide that challenge, scrutiny and accountability that people demand.”
The local elections proved to be highly successful for the Liberal Democrats in Beverley. Not only did they make gains ta the county level they also won a number of seats of Town Council.
Their gains on Beverley Town Council mean the party now have control over Beverley’s Historic Core. They took seats off all the Conservatives who have no representation at Parish level.
Since their landslide win, the Liberal Democrats have been working hard in the community tackling a range of local issues.
They have promised to work with other parties and bring a new approach to how local politics are conducted.
Their councillors have already been out in the community looking to address issues like planning and local crime.
This week Beverley Town Council will elect a new Mayor for the coming year while also selecting a deputy mayor.