Miles in Memory Organisers Hope For Record Numbers Of Walkers

Miles in Memory Organisers Hope For Record Numbers Of Walkers

Organisers of the Miles in Memory or hoping for a bumper turnout as they look to attract more than a hundred walkers to their 2015 fundraiser.

Taking place on 16 May walkers will track across the Humber Bridge and back again while raising money for the Lullaby Trust.

Speaking about the event Louise Barrett said;

“This annual event is in memory of Ellis Barrett who died aged just 4 days old and Alexander Richardson who died at 17 months old.”

“Myself and  Nicola Richardson work with The Lullaby Trust to raise awareness into SIDs in newborns and toddlers.”

Nicola is currently heading a campaign to raise £100k to fund research into SIDs in the over 1s.

To help raise funds for this campaign, later this year in August Louise is taking part 24-hour Humber Bridge run.

This is the second year that Louise and Nicola have pooled their organising talents for Miles in Memory.

Louise added;

“Last year I was overwhelmed with the amount of people that turned up to our walk.”

“It was so lovely to meet Nicola’s extended family and her friends that had made the journey over to the Humber Bridge.”

“We had a lovely stroll across the bridge catching up with old friends and making new ones.”

“The kids all enjoyed cycling and scooting across the bridge in the glorious summer sunshine.”

“Donations should be made on the day but if you would like to gather sponsorship for your walk prior to the event please contact for a sponsor form.”

Both Louise and Nicola are now hoping that the Humber Bridge Miles in Memory walk will be even more successful than last year raising vital funds for the Lullaby Trust.

Anyone wishing to take part can do so by turning up the information centre at the Humber Bridge on the 16 May 10:45 AM.

To find out more information about the event, or to register your interest please click here

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