East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group Is The First To Hold AGM

East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group Is The First To Hold AGM

East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) held their first Annual General Meeting, the first NHS organisation to do so this year, which proved very successful.

It saw a huge 100 people turn up, many of them members of the public who came along to celebrate our year in care and discuss plans the CCG has in the pipeline.

Some achievements we wanted to share with the public were the development of dedicated Long Term Conditions Clinics in Primary Care at 28 of our 37 GP practices. We are also commissioning a Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Service alongside increased capacity for diagnosing dementia and as a result increased diagnosis rates from 37% to 41% in the last few months.

The CCG have reduced waiting times for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and increased the availability of CAMHS out of hours service, a crisis response service is now available during these times and a planned intensive intervention means the public can now access these services evenings and weekends.

Our patient engagement initiative ‘involve’ has also been launched, which gives the public of the East Riding of Yorkshire a chance to shape their local healthcare by being part of focus groups, surveys and decision making.

A Locality Hub Model is being developed to test out a community urgent care response. This is led by General Practice working with community services and social care.
Display stands were available providing information to the public on:

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Seeking Feedback To Improve Adult Social Care Day Opportunities In The East Riding

•involve – our new patient participation group
•Hard Truths – a look into what the CCG has been doing following on from the Francis 2 Report
•Unplanned Care
•Dying Matters
•CCG’s priorities
•A health trainer was also there from public health discussing the effects of alcohol, obesity and no smoking.

The Annual Report and Annual Accounts 2013/14 were signed off on Monday 2nd June and presented at a public Council of Members meeting at the AGM.

Dr Gina Palumbo, Chair of the CCG said: “The AGM proved to be a huge success with many members of the public turning up. We want to thank everyone who participated and we hope you took away lots of information on the CCG and our aims and objectives for the future”.

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