Doing Their Bit For The Pit!

Doing Their Bit For The Pit!

Four boys from Walkington have built a sensory garden area for their local community. Matthew Lees 10, Andrew Manson 10, Luca Myers 10, and Jonathan Sreeves 10, named ‘The Yorkies’, raised over £500 by running 26 miles (the equivalent of a marathon) between them.

The event took place during the summer holidays on the Walkington Playing Field and despite, heavy rain, the boys also managed to raise extra funds by selling cakes that they had made.

In addition to collecting sponsorships, the boys also attended a council meeting where they were granted permission to go ahead with the project.

The team spent many hours on planning, building, planting and maintaining the garden over their school holidays, in readiness for the official opening on Sunday 27th October at 2pm.

The old pit on Town End Road, Walkington has been used as a recreation ground for many years and was considered to be the perfect location to build a sensory garden. The site is particularly popular with children from the nearby housing estates as it enables them to play safely, without the need to cross any busy roads.

Adult helper Tom Manson said:

“Residents have been incredibly generous and many have said how they would like the area to be revamped into something that would benefit the whole community.”

“We have also had fantastic support from Southwood Garden Centre who even laid down all the compost and bark chippings for us!”

“The boys have worked incredibly hard on the project and we are really proud of what they have achieved. The sensory garden looks and smells fantastic and will be enjoyed by many visitors for several years to come.”

“Lifestyle project is run by the Humberside Police and BP and was set up to encourage young people to do something positive for their local community, the scheme is currently in its 25th year.”

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