Safeguarding Your Future Finances From Your Ex

There are some things you just can’t take for granted… Paul Kirby, Family Solicitor from Quality Solicitors Lockings in Beverley looks at the recent case of the ex-wife who successfully sued her former husband for £2Million, ten years after their divorce.

Paul Kirby says: “The winner, Nigel Page who is from Gloucestershire made history after an out-of-court settlement saw him pay his ex-wife £2Million (she had apparently wanted £8Million) of the £56Million fortune which he won earlier this year on the Euro-Millions Lottery.

As I understand it, his wife left him for another man ten years ago, and the couple divorced soon afterwards. Mr Page’s mistake was that he did not obtain what is known as a “clean break order” at the time, which would have prevented any future claims being made by either party.”

This may not be an everyday occurrence, yet it is something that can happen to any divorcing couple.  Without the “clean break order”, technically the ex-spouse would be well within their rights to make a financial claim.

Some might believe this to be a what-if situation and that a lottery win is unlikely but this case of Nigel Page and his wife demonstrates what might be in store. “I have seen similar claims made after a former spouse has received a substantial redundancy payment, or an inheritance,” adds Paul.

At Quality Solicitors Lockings, we consider every eventuality and advise clients that even after an amicable divorce, unforeseen events can turn friends into bitter enemies.

For more information on services from Quality Solicitors Lockings, please call 01482 300500 or click here.

By Paul Kirby, Quality Solicitors Lockings


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