The father of missing 18-year-old Russell Bohling held a press conference with Chief Superintendent Paul Davison at Beverley Police Station.
Mr Roger Bohling made the following statement:
The family fully understands in conducting their enquiries the police had at the outset to keep an open mind, but having carefully and at length, reviewed with senior police officers what is known about the events of Tuesday the 2nd of March the family are satisfied that Russell left home that morning to travel to Bishop Burton College with the intention of returning home later that night. We believe that he met someone he knew and trusted that morning and subsequently lost his life, probably having being murdered by that person.
The loss of Russell has broken the hearts of this family and changed their lives and we have yet to come to terms with that. Our hopes must rest with the police and our understanding that no effort will be spared to reveal the facts which may finally enable us to understand the sad circumstances in which Russell found himself at the end.
We want to thank the many thousands of people who have sent messages of hope and sympathy and to say that all of us have been very deeply moved by the affection with which Russell was held by so many people and which will be his lasting legacy to all that knew him.
We are very disappointed to note that in sharp contrast, neither the Chair of Governors or Principal of Bishop Burton College have had any direct contact with the family, or expressed to us any sympathy for Russell’s plight.
We wish to thank the media for their accurate reporting of this dreadful event, and to record our appreciation for the respect and consideration shown in response to our request for privacy during this unbearably difficult time of grief.
Russell deserved to live a full life, and the person responsible for taking him from all of those that loved him must be found. Someone knows, or strongly suspects, who that person is and we beg you to do the right thing by Russell and make the identity of that person known to the police.
Please don’t let Russell down.
Thank you.
Chief Superintendent Paul Davison said:
“Russell’s disappearance is still a missing person enquiry.
“From the first day of the investigation, we have kept an open mind as to what has happened to Russell.
“Russell’s disappearance is totally out of character and at a time in his life when he was doing so well academically and personally it is difficult to understand why he may have left voluntarily or wanted to kill himself.
“Land, sea and air searches in conjunction with the coast guard, as well as specialist searches with the fire brigade at underground locations have been carried out around Bempton Cliff.
“I have a team working on every line of enquiry even as we approach the two month anniversary of Russell’s disappearance; the possibility that a criminal act has been perpetrated against Russell is continuing to be fully investigated.
“As a young man with his whole life ahead of him, I would urge anyone who has not already come forward or spoken to the police to do so, however trivial or inconsequential you believe it might be.”
Russell Bohling (18), from West Ella is being treated as missing after last being seen by his family on Tuesday 02 March 2010.
A missing person’s enquiry was launched after his car was discovered at the car park at Bempton Cliffs.
Russell is described as white around 5ft 8ins tall with a medium build with short straight brown coloured hair. He was last seen wearing black coloured Ben Sherman jacket, blue coloured jeans and black coloured leather trainers. He suffers from communication difficulties.
Numerous enquiries have been completed with his friends and associates. As a result of one lead officers travelled to Bradford but unfortunately this proved negative.
Officers have also carried out technical examinations of Russell’s computer and have made enquires around the movement of his car prior to him going missing.
Officers would like Russell to contact them in confidence to confirm that he is safe and well or alternatively anyone who may have knowledge of his whereabouts is asked to contact the Police on 0845 60 60 222