Increase Your Confidence

Being confident helps you deal with life’s challenges more effectively and to recognise and seize opportunities in life. I see many in my Beverley clinic and in the workshops I run whose lives are hampered by their lack of confidence and a lack of belief in themselves. Increasing your confidence will increase your capacity for happiness and fulfilment in life.

Confidence is a very attractive attribute to possess. Have you ever observed someone who, despite not being the most physically attractive person around, seems to draw people to them? Well, unless they are famous or doing something outrageous, they are probably exuding confidence. Think for a moment of people that you notice and are drawn to. Is it the person who avoids eye contact, who turns away when you look at them, someone who just agrees with everything anyone says because they don’t have confidence in their own opinions? Probably not.

Behaving in a confident manner is not about being loud, aggressive or uncaring about the feelings of others, it’s about feeling happy with who you are and demonstrating this in the way you behave.

Here are some ways you can develop your confidence;

Looking into a mirror, say out loud positive affirmations to yourself. For example, ‘I am a capable individual’ or ‘It’s not what happens to me but how I handle it that counts’ Repeat at regular times throughout the day. Change what you say whenever you wish but make sure it’s always positive.

Think regularly of situations you handled well and focus on the good feelings this gives you. Make these feelings powerful, as strong, bright and clear as possible. Do at least one thing every day which is aimed at improving your sense of well- being.

Congratulate yourself and acknowledge each time you behave confidently. Think of what you managed to do rather than what you believe you should have done. Accept that your confidence might be knocked at times but don’t allow this to stop you continuing.

Avoid blaming others for your lack of confidence – whatever happened in the past is in the past. Your future is more important now. Avoid playing the role of ‘victim.’ Consider how to change your behaviour in certain situations or with certain individuals. Remember, only you yourself can control the way you feel about yourself. Never give that power to someone else.

And finally, enjoy the rewards and benefits of feeling and behaving confidently!

Pamela Crane is a clinical hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner and motivational coach. For more information telephone, 07901 888 890 or go to

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