Lib Dem deputy leader Cllr Denis Healy will put forward a Motion to East Riding Full Council calling for an explanation by the Leader of the Council about the “explosive” resignation letter from former East Riding Council Deputy Leader Cllr Mike Stathers.
In his letter, Cllr Stathers turned his fire on the “Treachery and betrayal” both at national and local levels.
He condemns the “backward steps” by current Conservative Council Leader Cllr Jonathan Owen with almost all key decisions being taken by Officers and not Members.
He also describes morale amongst Members and staff as at an all-time low. Staff are leaving in their droves. While he describes the Council as “un-functioning.”
Cllr Healy said:
“This lifts the lid on the Tory in-fighting at East Riding Council. Instead of getting on with delivering council services, the Conservatives are busy knifing each other. We need an explanation; our residents deserve better. ”
Lib Dem Group Leader Cllr David Nolan added;
“This mirrors locally what we are seeing down in Westminster. Conservatives are fighting like ferrets in a sack whether in County Hall or Downing Street. It’s like the “Boris’s of Beverley” up here.”
Observers see part of the in-fighting as being triggered by the successes of the Lib Dems in two recent byelections in Bridlington North and South Hunsley where they swept to victory in formerly strong Conservative-voting Wards.
Conservatives at County Hall are getting nervous about holding off an expected strong challenge from the Lib Dems, in next May’s local elections.
Motion to East Riding Council wed 27th July 2022. It reads;
This Council notes with concern, comments made to the media by the former Deputy Leader, that senior officers have confirmed to him that “we are an un-functioning Council, with staff morale at an all-time low, a shortage of qualified employees and staff leaving in their droves.” This Council calls for the Leader to make a full statement in the light of these worrying comments and for the matter to be reviewed by the relevant scrutiny committee.