Memorial Gardens

November 20, 2009

The Memorial Gardens on Hengate in Beverley were just reopened in time for Armistice Day. In the shadows of St Mary’s Church the Memorial Gardens was given a complete make over which included the relocation of the RAF Memorial and the Memorial for HMS Beverley. The gardens were given to the town of Beverley by Major Clive Wilson back in 1924, there is a plaque dedicated Major Clive Wilson as…


St Nicholas Church

October 27, 2009

Located in Beverley St Nicholas Church is a stunning local parish that can be booked for batisms, weddings and funerals , the church is also a fair trade using only fair trade products for their various coffee mornings. The church is used for many various functions that serve the community including child play groups and support meetings. St Nicholas Church – Holme Church Lane, Beverley, EAst Yorkshire, HU17 – 01482…