How Hard Is It to Become an Insurance Agent?

How Hard Is It to Become an Insurance Agent?
How Hard Is It to Become an Insurance Agent?

How hard is it to become an astronaut? How hard is it to become a secret agent? How hard is it to become a police officer?

The answer to all of these is that it is as hard as you make it for yourself. We can become whatever it is that we dream of becoming in life, there are no boundaries and no limitations. In the words of a wise old man, if you can dream it, you can do it.

Becoming an insurance agent is no more difficult than becoming anything, really. There are, of course, boundaries and hoops you will have to jump through, but you can do it.

In this article, we are going to tell you how you can become an insurance agent, rather than how hard it is! (That’s not very motivational, is it?) We hope that you will take our advice and achieve your dreams. Please do leave a comment below if you do manage to become an insurance agent!

Here is how you can become an insurance agent.

Decide If You Want It

First and foremost, you need to decide whether or not it is what you want. Deciding that you are becoming an agent is not something to be taken lightly, quite the opposite actually, it is a heavy undertaking. There is a lot that you will have to do in order to become an insurance agent, so if you do not want it, just going through the motions is not a good idea.

Go to College!

While it is not a requirement, it is good to go to college or university and study degrees and subjects relevant to the field of insurance agency. The reason for this is that it will show that you are committed and have always been committed to becoming an insurance agent. You will be looked upon more favorably by potential recruiters than if you had no college qualifications at all. Going to college is something that we do seriously recommend and it is something that will be highly beneficial.

Get a License!

You will also need to go ahead and get a license, once you have completed college, of course. Getting a license to become an insurance agent is not easy, but it can be done of course. You will have to study and work hard, but you will succeed if you apply yourself. The license exam can be very difficult and many people do struggle to complete it, but as we have said, if you go into this with the belief that this is your future, we have no doubt that you will ace your exam and pass with flying colors.

Post-College and Licensing

Once you have finished your college or university degrees and you have obtained your license, you will have to go out into the world and try to search for work. Before we move on to finding work, it is first worth mentioning that you could potentially find an apprenticeship or an internship with an insurance agency. This will likely be for considerably lower pay than an actual job would be, but it is still worth doing, and will still benefit you massively, proving that you are determined to become an insurance agent and that it is what you want.

Finding Work

If you have decided that an apprenticeship is not the pathway into becoming an insurance agent that you want then you will want to consider finding work. Finding work as an insurance agent is often not difficult, as there are so many insurance agencies, so many insurance policies, which results in such a high demand for insurance agents! Finding work will be easy when you have followed this guide and have attained your degree and your license. Finding work, we think, will not be a challenge, providing you have done everything already mentioned – it will be a walk in the park.


Once you have become an insurance agent, it is important that you commit to it. Many people, in life, do not commit to things, and because of this, they go in and out of careers and never find a stable base. If you want a stable life and a career, then committing to something is important. Why would you have gone as far as you did to become an insurance agent just to call it quits at the last moment? Commit yourself to it and the sky’s the limit – you can achieve absolutely anything.

In this article, we hope to have explained to you how you can become an insurance agent. Thank you for reading this page, we do appreciate it, and please come back and visit us again as soon as you can! Good luck!

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