Resident Willy McCutcheon Working Tirelessly For The Community

Resident Willy McCutcheon Working Tirelessly For The Community
Resident Working Tirelessly For The Community

Resident Willy McCutcheon is certainly doing his bit for the community by raising funds for defibrillators in the town.

He himself has benefited from a defibrillator. His own life was saved after he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

However, rather than resting he worked tirelessly to fund more public access defibrillators.

Mr McCutcheon said;

“My life was saved because there was a defibrillator very close by when I suffered my cardiac arrest.”

“I am eternally in the debt of the wonderful who got that defibrillator on me so quickly, restarting my heart, and saving my life.”

He says he is now dedicated to repaying that great gift. He is doing this by ensuring Beverley can benefit from as defibrillators as possible.

, a keen supporter of seeing more defibrillators in the community. He visited Mr McCutcheon because of the new defibrillator that has been installed at the Day Centre on Mintfields Road.

MP Praises Mr McCutcheon For His Fund Raising Efforts

Mr Stuart, following his visit, had this to say about Cutcheon efforts, he said;

 “It was an honour to meet up with Mr McCutcheon on Saturday to see the fruits of his latest fundraising efforts.”

“I want to congratulate him on his fundraising and applaud the example he sets to all of us in East Yorkshire.”

“This public access defibrillator Mr McCutcheon has provided for Beverley is all down to his dedication and passion”

“If we are going to make sure everyone has access to a community defibrillator then we all need to be more like Mr McCutcheon.”

Defibrillators improve the chances of survival. Research shows that if a defibrillator is used with 3-5 minutes of a cardiac arrest, chances of survival increase from 6pc to 74pc.

Mr McCutcheon concluded;

“The closer you are to a defibrillator, the greater the chance you have of survival. Every second counts.”

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